My Beautiful Garden - A Precious Gift 

I have recently received a beautiful gift. As a matter of fact, it may be the most beautiful gift I've ever received. It is the gift of a flower garden.

Some of you may remember that my friends, Bob and Jayne Farrell, lost everything they owned in the Nashville flood last year. The sad part of the story is that they still have no home. They've been staying with their kids in Phoenix for the last year.

This past month they were here in Nashville, looking for land to build on. While here, they faced many ups and downs and are still wrestling with the reality that those who promised to help them rebuild have since changed their minds.

In the midst of the confusion, Jayne came to my house, shovel in hand. She spent endless hours in the hot sun ... digging, preparing the soil, and planting. It was very humbling for me to watch her give so much of herself to make my home beautiful, when she has no home of her own. Such a beautiful picture of selfless love and unselfish giving.

I've always wanted a garden, but I simply didn't know where to start. I needed someone who knew about gardening. My desire was there, but I didn't know the steps. Jayne showed me the basics, how to prepare the soil, what types of plants and flowers to buy, what kind of plant food and fertilizer to use. It's really overwhelming when you don't have the basic knowledge. My dear friend Jayne became my gardening coach and I am forever grateful to her.

Perhaps that's where you are with marketing your creativity. You create, but you have no clue how to market your creation.

Imagine if you had a coach, someone like Jayne, who could show you the basic steps. Perhaps your creativity could blossom into a thriving revenue stream.

If this sounds good to you,  I'm thrilled to share with you my Summer Success Coaching Packages.

 I'm eager to help you!

Click here to view my Summer Succes Coaching Packages!

P.S. Please share your thoughts below and click the +1 button below, if you like this post.

Find Your Focus 

Creatives, you are blessed with innovative ways of thinking, but if you're not careful, this creativity can lead to a lack of focus.

I keep running into creatives that are tackling new projects every time I see them. They are bouncing from one idea to the next on a regular basis, never making any headway. Now, I'm all for multiple streams of income, but if you bounce before you get traction with one, you're on a path destined for failure.

It seems that many are looking for that 'magic bullet': the one thing that will make money and take them from starving to thriving. I hate to burst your bubble, but if that's the way you're thinking, I'll save you some time and lot's of energy by telling you that the 'magic bullet' doesn't exist!

Instead of chasing after the new thing that promises to be a magic bullet, I encourage you to find your focus, your highest passion, and determine to make it fly. Decide to stay with it for the long haul. Focus all of your energy on this one project and determine to get it off the ground. Discipline your time and reject all 'shiny obects' that come along to zap your energies.  Believe me . . .  they will come like clockwork to distract you.

Whatever you decide to focus on, know that it will take hard work, discipline and long hours. It will progress little by little. You'll have to fight against discouragement and impatience and constantly remind yourself that success does not happen overnight! 

You will need encouragers to help you focus and stay on task. It's impossible ... difficult, at best ...  to do alone.

So ... what are you working on? What is your dream? Are you getting discouraged before it's even off the ground?

Give yourself a time limit. If you're not making any headway in 4 to 6 months, I would suggest your seeking some wise counsel. Hire a coach if you can ... someone to hold you accountable and make sure you're on the right track. After that,  if you're still not making headway in a few months time, you might want to reconsider. But always get advice and seek wisdom before you move on to the next thing. Often, discouragement and giving up comes just before the breakthrough. 

Stop bouncing and start focusing! If you take consistent steps daily in one direction,  before long you will see the vision start to become reality. 

If you need some support, let me know. I've been known to cheer many over the finish line!  And please, feel free to share your struggles. Are you tempted to change paths, because the one you're on is taking too long? Are you discouraged or are you stuck? 

Action VS Perfection 

I'm constantly running into creatives who are STUCK. They can't seem to push their projects over the edge to completion. Upon hearing their stories, I'm struck with statements that seem common to the "starving artist" community:

"I just can't make up my mind about what to call my website."
"I must redo 'such and such' and don't have the funds or time." 
"When I get past this obstacle, I'll start on marketing my art."
"I just can't figure out how to do . . . . " 

These aren't reasons,  they're excuses born out of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Maybe even fear of success.

 As a creative, are you an excuse maker or an action taker? Do you wallow in your reasons for 'why not' rather than fight through the fog to the finish line? If you find yourself hitting a wall with your creative projects, listen closely.

We get stuck in our creativity for lots of reasons. But often it boils down to the fact that we don't think our product is good enough.

Well, I say, 'Action is better than perfection!'

If you don't get your art out there, you'll stay STUCK .... and STUCK is not a productive place.

Have you noticed that Apple puts their products on the shelves and sells multiplied millions of dollars of product, before all of the kinks are worked out? How many hours have you spent on-line with 'trouble shooters,' just to find that it's a flaw with the computer or software program?

 Now, I'm not advocating that you produce flawed products on purpose, but surely you get the point. If you wait until it's perfect . . . . you are losing money, fans and endless possibilities.  Truth is . . . it'll never be perfect! So what are you waiting for?

Take action today and everyday. Get your art, your music, your writing, your designs out there for the world to see. In fact, take the first step out of 'Stuckville' and share them below (post a link to your work) in the comment section. I'd love to see you unstuck and on your way to becoming a thriving artist!

What Cupcakes Taught Me About Marketing Art 

By Jeff Slaughter, guest blogger
Living in Europe for the past 13 years has sheltered me from some of the delights of living stateside.  So on a recent trip home to Louisiana I was stunned to find an upscale boutique dedicated solely to selling cupcakes.

Not just any cupcakes, but mouth-watering, blood sugar shocking oversized concoctions in familiar flavors like vanilla, chocolate,and red velvet all the way to the unusual such as peanut butter, key lime pie and banana pudding. The eye-popping display features 21 flavors a day and can hold more than 1,000 cupcakes. And it's not uncommon for them to sell out before closing time.

Now, I like a good cupcake, but I like a good business idea even better. So I was intrigued that a business could focus on such a narrow target - and be successful.

I soon learned that the cupcake craze was a national trend, having already spawned a Starbucks-like multi-store company called 'Sprinkles'. In the Memphis airport this week, I found an article in Inc. Magazine declaring that, 'The Great Cupcake Wars' is full on in our nation's capital, with multiple stores and chains competing for the capital's taste buds (you can find the article on Inc's website). There's even a TV show about the cupcake wars on Food Network!

Really? All that over cupcakes?

But I shouldn't be surprised. Cupcake companies have developed business models that are focused, marketed well and poised for profit. Which is what we should be doing with our art. As artists who are learning to focus, market and yes, make a profit, we should take some tips from the Cupcake Craze:

Here are a few things I learned:

Be creative, but be smart: Create art that people want to buy. I bet the flavors that don't sell well in cupcake shops get dropped like hot potatoes. They want to make money, not just prop their shops with cute cakes.

Market shamelessly: That's right, the Cupcakers have learned to sell using facebook pages, twitter accounts, you tube videos, articles in magazines, even trucks driving around Washington D. C. giving away samples. What are we doing to market our art? Are we so ashamed of it we hope no one notices it? Or are we as proud of our art as the Cupcakers are of their Red Velvet masterpieces? Do we really think our art isn't worth as much or more in marketing efforts as a wad of flour, sugar, butter and eggs?

Don't be afraid to charge....a lot: $3.00-$4.00 for ONE cupcake? Do people really pay that much for one cupcake? Yes, they do, just like they pay $3.50 for a tall latte, $4.00 for a gallon of gas, and $10 for a movie ticket. Starbucks, Shell and Tinseltown know how to make money. So do the Cupcakers.  And so should we. 

I'm going to give you a fun assignment: If there's a cupcake shop near you, get there, buy yourself a nice calorie-laden cupcake, take a big bite and think about how the Cupcake Craze has taken America by storm.

And come up with some ideas about how you might go just as crazy marketing your art.

Jeff Slaughter lives in Brussels, Belgium where he serves in international church ministry, oversees a worship training organization, writes and develops content, and enjoys an occasional cupcake. You can write to Jeff at:

Not Promoting Your Art on Social Media? Think again! 

If you are one who thinks that Social Media is a waste of time . . . watch this and rethink! If you are not making your presence known online - YOU ARE INVISIBLE!!

Remember - the internet is a world-wide store - open 24/7!! Are you taking advantage of this opportunity?

Why not?

Pushing you towards Artrageous Success!

Retreat for Creatives - May 14 - 15, 2011 - Franklin, TN 

In our ever-changing world, as artists we have an challenge to reach the masses. Art has an extraordinary way of drawing beauty on the soul of mankind.  Your skills and gifts as artists are needed to bring about this beauty.
If you are an artist: painter, musician, dancer, designer, poet, dreamer, or simply a lover of the arts, these events are for you. Come join us for an inspirational and insightful experience, as we tackle the tough issues that stand between you, your vision, and provision.
éclat de vie  ~ a burst of life

9:00 am - Once Upon A Time
10:00 - The Island of Misfit Toys
11:00 - Refresh
11: 15 - What Will be Written of Us
12:00 - Write theVision and Make it Plain
12:30 - Lunch Provided
1:15 - The Starving Artist
2:15 - The Strategic Artist
2:45 - Discovery Walk
3:00 - The Savvy Artist
4:00 - The Supported Artist
6:30 - Wine and Cheese Concert with Lite Dinner

Sunday, May 15th

9:30 - Come to the Quiet - Blessing Your Creativity
11:00 - Brunch
12:15 - Creative Explosion
1:45 - Funnel of Provision
3:00 - Review and Q & A

To register:

To view brochure:

Artists Arise! 

"Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you. So carve your name on hearts and not of marble." C. H. Spurgeon

I have a forum called Artists Arise where artists from across the US and Europe join in conversation. A few days ago one of my artist friends admitted that he was struggling and in a low place. This opened a flood gate of responses on the forum. Many admitted that they were also struggling, discouraged, stressed and under pressure.

We do live in a pressure cooker and the water is boiling! When pressure cookers experience too much pressure . . . they explode. However, they are equipped with a release valve that reduces the pressure and helps avoid a crises.

"When written in Chinese, the word 'crises' is composed of two characters - one represents danger, the other represents opportunity." John F. Kennedy

Do you have a release valve? What helps you avoid crises or melt down? Recently I've been reading Vital Friends, an interesting book about the power of relationships. The research for the book was done by interviewing homeless people and finding out why they were homeless. The majority stated that their path to homelessness started with a break in relationships.

It seems that friends, especially a best friend, can be the release valve we need. But even if you don't have a best friend, as long as you have someone to talk to, you are in position to overcome your bad days and find hope for the future.
          My hubby and I with life long best friends Jim & Anne Mills and Elijah.
Honestly, I don't know where we'd be with this couple. 
They have helped us through our times of crises.

I realize that many artistic types are loners. We are alone when we create and can often hide behind our creativity. Are you more comfortable in the studio than out in public? Are you shy or maybe a bit self conscious in crowds? Don't let that keep you from reaching out and becoming a friend not just for the taking, but also for giving to someone else the release they need. If you can become a friend who listens, you can become a powerful healing force.

The bottom line is that we need each other.

"A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."  Donna Roberts

Let me know your thoughts on this. If you would like to join the conversation on my forum go to:

Authentically You! 

 "I don’t get really worked up about competition in the marketplace and I’m in some very crowded niches! Why? Because others can copy my content, my teaching points and even my methods, but I don’t stress out about it because they can’t BE me!" Carrie Wilkerson: The Barefoot Executive

I love this quote! Carrie is my coach this year and she has such a good perspective on being authentic.

Where are you on the journey to authenticity? Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy? Do you wonder why you do your art, when so many are doing something similar and some are even better than you? Do you wonder what will make your product, your painting, your song, your book unique?

The answer is ... YOU!

You are the sum of your life experiences. Your story is what makes you stand out among the
crowd. One of the blessings of social media and the Internet is that people can communicate quickly and easily. There's no excuse. So tell your story or the story behind your song, your painting, your dance or your latest design.

Fans are no longer satisfied with the isolated superstar. They want to reach out and
connect with you. They want to feel like they know the artists behind the painting, the song, the book.

Are you hiding in your studio? I urge you to reach out and communicate with your fans. Take the attitude of giving, helping, serving, encouraging and offering your services to shape the next generation of creatives.

If we can get our eyes off of ourselves long enough, we can change the world. Start by finding someone who needs your words of encouragement. Who knows. . . you may change a life!

Artists - Do You Need Help Marketing? 

I've just launched my business ARTrageous Success! Woo-hoo!

And . . . I've been bombarded by creatives who have no idea how to market their creativity. It's really sad to me, but I TOTALLY understand. A few years ago, I was just like everybody else watching the music industry turn upside down. At the same time, I was having vocal issues and not sure I'd ever sing again. With our future uncertain and our bank account dwindling, I jumped head first into the world of online marketing. Since then I've read, studied, attended seminars, tele-seminars, webinars, been coached, mentored, challenged, stretched, and I'm still learning. 


To break through the "I'm an artist not a business person" mindset. And . . .  so I can help you! I don't want any of my friends or fellow creatives to fall into the "starving artist" trap of just surviving. I believe that we were created to thrive! Yes, we may face dark trials and desperate situations, but with God's help and wise counsel, we will walk out of the wilderness into a season of fruitfulness once again. But we need tools, strategies and wise plans. If we want to be world changers we must have resources.

I long to share tools and wise counsel. I hope to teach many of you some strategies that will give your creativity a giant push into the market place.

I'm open to seminars, webinars, tele-seminars, one-on-one coaching, or all of the above. Please tell me what you need. What are your biggest challenges? Where are you stuck? How can I help?

Would you attend an online webinar? Would you join a member site for creatives? Are you willing to pay for instruction? Let me know your thoughts.

Wanting to bring out the best in you,
Deby Dearman

P.S. I do have an upcoming artists weekend event -  Éclat de vie Weekend. We'll be teaching some key marketing principals for creatives.

Click here for more information about Éclat de vie