A Divine Moment This Thanksgiving

I love celebration!
It requires a lot of work and preparation, but to me it's more than worth it.

I've often marveled at the mystery of being at table with family. It can run the gamut from the divine to the disastrous and, believe me, we've had our share of both!

How can we have teenagers, little ones, and imperfect adults, and not have a few catastrophes to deal with? But the catastrophes don't keep me from trying, year after year, to create yet another timeless memory.

The Symbol of Being at Table

The symbol of being together at table is powerful. Many of our favorite moments, breakthroughs and fun filled evenings have come while discussing deep issues around a table.

When we lived in Europe, we learned the art of lingering at table. A European meal was not complete without candles, your best dishes, fresh flowers, and good wine. It all combined to create an occasion for all to relax and share heart to heart and many such evenings produced a 'divine moment.'

On trips back to the States, we were often surprised and disappointed when friends invited us for dinner. Most often we would just stand in someone's kitchen, with paper plates and styrofoam cups in hand, or we'd simply meet at a restaurant. While we enjoy eating out, that 'divine moment' is often missed in a crowded, noisy eatery.

A Divine Moment
I hope that you don't miss your 'divine moment' this Thanksgiving. Research shows that the single most important influence in developing the character of a child is the conversation around the table. Also, that children who know about their parents histories become more resilient and bounce back from disappointment more quickly.

So think of sharing some of your stories around the table this year. How did you decide what you wanted to be in life? Where did you meet your spouse? What was your most embarrassing moment? Hopefully everyone will join in and share a favorite story. Who knows . . . you might just start a new tradition!

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