Action VS Perfection

I'm constantly running into creatives who are STUCK. They can't seem to push their projects over the edge to completion. Upon hearing their stories, I'm struck with statements that seem common to the "starving artist" community:

"I just can't make up my mind about what to call my website."
"I must redo 'such and such' and don't have the funds or time." 
"When I get past this obstacle, I'll start on marketing my art."
"I just can't figure out how to do . . . . " 

These aren't reasons,  they're excuses born out of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Maybe even fear of success.

 As a creative, are you an excuse maker or an action taker? Do you wallow in your reasons for 'why not' rather than fight through the fog to the finish line? If you find yourself hitting a wall with your creative projects, listen closely.

We get stuck in our creativity for lots of reasons. But often it boils down to the fact that we don't think our product is good enough.

Well, I say, 'Action is better than perfection!'

If you don't get your art out there, you'll stay STUCK .... and STUCK is not a productive place.

Have you noticed that Apple puts their products on the shelves and sells multiplied millions of dollars of product, before all of the kinks are worked out? How many hours have you spent on-line with 'trouble shooters,' just to find that it's a flaw with the computer or software program?

 Now, I'm not advocating that you produce flawed products on purpose, but surely you get the point. If you wait until it's perfect . . . . you are losing money, fans and endless possibilities.  Truth is . . . it'll never be perfect! So what are you waiting for?

Take action today and everyday. Get your art, your music, your writing, your designs out there for the world to see. In fact, take the first step out of 'Stuckville' and share them below (post a link to your work) in the comment section. I'd love to see you unstuck and on your way to becoming a thriving artist!