Artists - Do You Need Help Marketing?

I've just launched my business ARTrageous Success! Woo-hoo!

And . . . I've been bombarded by creatives who have no idea how to market their creativity. It's really sad to me, but I TOTALLY understand. A few years ago, I was just like everybody else watching the music industry turn upside down. At the same time, I was having vocal issues and not sure I'd ever sing again. With our future uncertain and our bank account dwindling, I jumped head first into the world of online marketing. Since then I've read, studied, attended seminars, tele-seminars, webinars, been coached, mentored, challenged, stretched, and I'm still learning. 


To break through the "I'm an artist not a business person" mindset. And . . .  so I can help you! I don't want any of my friends or fellow creatives to fall into the "starving artist" trap of just surviving. I believe that we were created to thrive! Yes, we may face dark trials and desperate situations, but with God's help and wise counsel, we will walk out of the wilderness into a season of fruitfulness once again. But we need tools, strategies and wise plans. If we want to be world changers we must have resources.

I long to share tools and wise counsel. I hope to teach many of you some strategies that will give your creativity a giant push into the market place.

I'm open to seminars, webinars, tele-seminars, one-on-one coaching, or all of the above. Please tell me what you need. What are your biggest challenges? Where are you stuck? How can I help?

Would you attend an online webinar? Would you join a member site for creatives? Are you willing to pay for instruction? Let me know your thoughts.

Wanting to bring out the best in you,
Deby Dearman

P.S. I do have an upcoming artists weekend event -  Éclat de vie Weekend. We'll be teaching some key marketing principals for creatives.

Click here for more information about Éclat de vie

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