Authentically You!

 "I don’t get really worked up about competition in the marketplace and I’m in some very crowded niches! Why? Because others can copy my content, my teaching points and even my methods, but I don’t stress out about it because they can’t BE me!" Carrie Wilkerson: The Barefoot Executive

I love this quote! Carrie is my coach this year and she has such a good perspective on being authentic.

Where are you on the journey to authenticity? Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy? Do you wonder why you do your art, when so many are doing something similar and some are even better than you? Do you wonder what will make your product, your painting, your song, your book unique?

The answer is ... YOU!

You are the sum of your life experiences. Your story is what makes you stand out among the
crowd. One of the blessings of social media and the Internet is that people can communicate quickly and easily. There's no excuse. So tell your story or the story behind your song, your painting, your dance or your latest design.

Fans are no longer satisfied with the isolated superstar. They want to reach out and
connect with you. They want to feel like they know the artists behind the painting, the song, the book.

Are you hiding in your studio? I urge you to reach out and communicate with your fans. Take the attitude of giving, helping, serving, encouraging and offering your services to shape the next generation of creatives.

If we can get our eyes off of ourselves long enough, we can change the world. Start by finding someone who needs your words of encouragement. Who knows. . . you may change a life!

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