Find Your Focus

Creatives, you are blessed with innovative ways of thinking, but if you're not careful, this creativity can lead to a lack of focus.

I keep running into creatives that are tackling new projects every time I see them. They are bouncing from one idea to the next on a regular basis, never making any headway. Now, I'm all for multiple streams of income, but if you bounce before you get traction with one, you're on a path destined for failure.

It seems that many are looking for that 'magic bullet': the one thing that will make money and take them from starving to thriving. I hate to burst your bubble, but if that's the way you're thinking, I'll save you some time and lot's of energy by telling you that the 'magic bullet' doesn't exist!

Instead of chasing after the new thing that promises to be a magic bullet, I encourage you to find your focus, your highest passion, and determine to make it fly. Decide to stay with it for the long haul. Focus all of your energy on this one project and determine to get it off the ground. Discipline your time and reject all 'shiny obects' that come along to zap your energies.  Believe me . . .  they will come like clockwork to distract you.

Whatever you decide to focus on, know that it will take hard work, discipline and long hours. It will progress little by little. You'll have to fight against discouragement and impatience and constantly remind yourself that success does not happen overnight! 

You will need encouragers to help you focus and stay on task. It's impossible ... difficult, at best ...  to do alone.

So ... what are you working on? What is your dream? Are you getting discouraged before it's even off the ground?

Give yourself a time limit. If you're not making any headway in 4 to 6 months, I would suggest your seeking some wise counsel. Hire a coach if you can ... someone to hold you accountable and make sure you're on the right track. After that,  if you're still not making headway in a few months time, you might want to reconsider. But always get advice and seek wisdom before you move on to the next thing. Often, discouragement and giving up comes just before the breakthrough. 

Stop bouncing and start focusing! If you take consistent steps daily in one direction,  before long you will see the vision start to become reality. 

If you need some support, let me know. I've been known to cheer many over the finish line!  And please, feel free to share your struggles. Are you tempted to change paths, because the one you're on is taking too long? Are you discouraged or are you stuck? 

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