Follow The Leader

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times, "find someone who is successful at what you want to do - then do what they do!"  Actually, I know it works but it's harder than it sounds. You all know that too.

But . . . if you are a struggling musician who is good at your craft, you need to take notice of this couple. They have risen from obscurity, make a living with their music and don't even have a physical CD. It would be wise to "do what they do!" All of you using other art forms pay attention. You can use these same strategies with your art.

Meet Jack and Nataly who are Pomplamoose. they are perfect examples of my earlier blog about doing art the 'new way!' They have used YouTube to carve out a niche for themselves, and they are the new leaders. Click here to read an article and hear an interview with Pomplamoose.

If you have not considered using video to promote your art form, you are missing an easy way to share, advertise and keep your work front and center! An easy way to start is with Animoto.
They have a free trial that I started with, but quickly realized I wanted the 'Pro' edition.

Check out my animoto video here. Click here to view.

I'll be sharing more tips about using video and YouTube soon - so sign up for the auto feed and stay tuned!

Your ARTrageous Success Coach,

Deby Dearman


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