Our Creative Circle of Friends

For the next few weeks I want to brag on some of my friends. My hubby and I have been blessed to travel the world and meet amazing people with amazing talent!

Today I want to introduce you to Jason Catron. He is a friend who lives here in Nashville, but we met at a retreat in Arizona. We just happened to be staying in the same little cottage (casita). We found out that we were both from Nashville and decided to stay in touch. Now we have a wonderful friendship and consider Jason as family.

Jason is an exceptional young man with an exceptional talent. Recently he was invited to become part of a trio of tenors, now known as Tenore.  These are three young men who are produced by the same person who produced The Canadian Tenors. If you've not heard of them, they are similar to Il Divo.
They call their style of music 'popera,' a blend of pop and opera.

However, Tenore is better than Il Divo and The Canadian Tenors. No joke!

You must check them out and you'll want to order their CD! This is their new website: http://singtenore.com/

Jason is a gracious young man with a huge heart! I'm thrilled to introduce you! He is the one in the middle of the first pic that appears on their website.

This picture below is from a party at our house and my hubby is playing for Jason. We believe that Tenore will take the world by storm and we want you to be among the first to know about them.

Please take a look at their website and let me know what you think! http://singtenore.com

Also, please take the time to click the 'follow' button in the top right corner of this blog! I appreciate you and the fact that you take time to read what I write!

Have a great week!

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