Starting a Revolution - Color Our World Beautiful!

"Artists, you are the custodians of beauty in this world."  Pope Benedict XVI

If the world ever needed a big dose of 'beautiful' - it is now! Seems every time I turn on the news, read the paper, or even catch a glimpse of Oprah!,  I'm being bombarded by information I don't want to hear, images I don't want to see, or topics that are completely disturbing. Even the non-news is disturbing.

The world seems to have gone crazy! Where are the sensible, decent people who have a strong inner sense of right and wrong, who know what to speak about in public and what to keep behind closed doors?

I'm growing so weary of all the noise! I have this deep inner longing for peace, calm, rest and beauty, but I have to fight for it. So I'm calling for a revolution! Will you join me?

The theme of this revolution is "Color Our World Beautiful!"

Let's bombard our communities with beautiful music, paintings, poetry, design, books, articles, clothing, choreography and art! We really can make a difference - one piece of beautiful creativity at a time!

I'm not suggesting that you bury your head in the clouds when it comes to what's happening in the world, but I am suggesting that we balance the bad news with beautiful creativity. It's a known fact that, over time, we become what we digest and we need beautiful images, heart-stirring music and dances that bring us to tears. We need the sacred, the hallowed, innocence and reverence.

What can you create that will "Color our World Beautiful?" I encourage you to post it below or post a link to it, so that we can enjoy the beauty of your creativity.

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