Straight From My Heart

"When you give money to artists, you are yourself doing an artist’s work.”
                 ~Vincent Van Gogh~

I was stirred to the core of my being this week when I read an article.
It was about the Medici family; a powerful family who helped art flourished during the 15th century. Michaelangelo lived with this family. They gave financially to support his gift and even encouraged their friends to become patrons as well. The vision and actions of this one family gave the world great works of art that are still celebrated today.

  If Michaelangelo had not had the support of the Medici family, we would not have The Pieta, David, or his magnificent paintings in the Sistine Chapel.

Many famous artists became part of The Medici Court: Leonardo Di Vinci, Piero Benci, Andrea del Verrocchio. The list goes on - artists that were supported so they could give themselves fully to their art.

Living in Nashville, I personally know of amazing musicians who are creating works of excellence that are having to lay aside their gifts to go into the workplace, just to survive. It's painful to watch. The world needs their gifts, but sheer survival demands that they lay them down.

Unless an artist is wildly successful, odds are that they are some of the most overlooked people in society and receive very little encouragement. Even the Church falls short in recognizing their gifts and offering any type of support at all.

I exhort you to find an artist who has enriched your life with their gift, call them or write them and tell them how much you appreciate and recognize their gift. And if you can, bless them with a monetary gift. In this way, you'll also bless the world for generations to come.

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