What Is Holding You Back?

I decided a long time ago that I would NOT let fear rob me of life, that if something challenged me . . . I'd find a way to overcome the challenge and do it. It's been a motto that I've tried to pass on to my kids.

When I look back, the major joys in my life were experienced after I overcame an enormous fear. In other words, if I had not overcome my fears, I would have never done the things that have brought me so much joy.

We are all tempted to stop short, to never do the thing that would bring the breakthrough.

I'm talking about fear of speaking, singing, flying, putting yourself out there in life and experiencing the thrill and the possible rejection. This could be taking on a job that you're not sure you can pull off, because every new job and every new opportunity has risks. We are either paralyzed by those risks or we are motivated by them.

There are great rewards for those who allow themselves to function beyond their zone of comfort.

And now that I'm older, I don't fear people, or the word 'no' as much. Reminded of the scripture '"You have not because you ask not,"  I figure that it never hurts to ask, as long as you're prepared to hear a 'no.' But often,  I'm surprised by a 'yes!'

Do you push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to grow? Do you ever allow yourself to get out on the edge - knowing you must produce or sink? Honestly this is a very good way to live.

Much of our struggle is mental. We are capable of so much more than we imagine. Sadly, few of us ever reach the limits of our capabilities. What if you went out on that limb and actually succeeded? How would your life change for the better?

Now think - what if you don't? What if nothing changes?
Movement in one direction or the other is better than stagnation. So make up you mind to move in the direction of your dreams - take some risks - just don't stand still.

We're afraid of failure. We must realize that failure is a necessary part of becoming. Use those failures as opportunities for growth. Learn from you mistakes and move on.

If this concept is difficult for you, start with small steps outside of your comfort zone. You don't have to do it all at once. Try to do one thing each week that challenges you.

Successful people seem to walk that fine line between safe and reckless. Pushing their limits causes extreme growth. If you want to make a mark in this world - allow yourself to be pressed beyond your zone of comfort and then move into the land of the living, where life itself becomes an adventure!

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