Why We Need Your Art

"Whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things." (Philippians 4:8)

We need to fill our minds with beautiful things. The old saying is true - what goes in must come out. Whatever we take in seems to dictate who we become.

It's difficult to find balance in this stressful, crazy world we live in. If we live in front of the news, taking in all the bad reports, we can easily become overwhelmed with world issues that we can do very little about. All of this bad news creates anxiety that fuels stress. Many of us are completely stressed out and are desperate to find ways to replenish.

This is why I feel that artists need to keep doing their art. When life goes crazy, we need that beautiful song that touches the inner core of our being that inspires and uplifts, or the painting that creates in us a thirst for the divine. Beauty appeals to the noble, lofty sublime parts of our being. These deep parts of ourselves need to be stirred, nourished and given room to become. Often they are what carries us through our darkest nights, our deepest pits and our
broken hearts.

I have a lovely friend who found much solace in an art museum after the murder of her son. Another friend found hope in the sounds of the piano, after being abandoned by his birth mother and adopted into an abusive home. Lines, patterns, sounds, colors all entwined in 'the beautiful' that march straight into the deepest parts of our hearts.There they transform despair into hope and sorrow into rays of joy and confusion into focused truth.

Don't neglect that which feeds and restores your inner man.

Artists, keep painting. Singers, keep singing. Poets, keep rhyming. Musicians, keep playing. Dancers, don't ever stop dancingĀ  . . . we need your passion and you need to express it. Together, we will find our way through the darkest of days.

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